Gotas de Agua / Drops of Water

Design by Alastair Sadler. L-R: Peter Pereyra, Marcela Ferlito, Alex Alburqueque Photo by Karin Tovar
Performance Dates

Teatro de la Luna is delighted to announce the performance of its BILINGUAL children's play Gotas de Agua / Drops of Water for the first time in Montgomery County Recreation.

About the play:
In a magical play of images, three clowns talk about the importance of water as characters from 'Gotas', a city in danger. Alex Alburqueque is Hydro-Friend, defender of Water, Marcela Ferlito is Rocío/Dew, guardian of the fountain of pure water and Peter Pereyra is Conta, King of Contamination. These characters will amuse and teach us to take care of the most precious treasure of our planet: WATER.


Production Information

Approximate Running Time
45 minutes


Clown 3 / Hydro-Friend
Clown 2 / Rocío [Dew]
Clown 1 / Conta, King of Contamination

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer