Meredith Richard

headshot from shoulders up.  shoulder length brownish blonde hair, in a blue laced tank top. Young light skinned woman smiling. 20s/30s

Meredith is a DC area native and has been a professional actor/singer in the area for 10 years. Work includes: Shakespeare Theatre Company, Imagination Stage, NextStop Theatre, Keegan Theatre, Capital Fringe, Source Fest, and Kennedy Center Page to Stage among others. She has also appeared in various local industrials and PSA films. She has extensive experience in solo , cabaret and choral work . When not treading the boards or appearing on screen, she is also an experienced tour guide and historic interpreter. She holds a BA (Honors) from  LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic) in the UK and is a proud member of Actor's Equity. 

Past Productions
The production history database begins with Helen Hayes Awards-eligible productions since 2011.