Naysan Mojgani

A smiling brown-skinned man with a bushy black beard looks off to the left of the frame. He wears a red cardigan and a lavender polo.

Naysan Mojgani is Round House Theatre’s Associate Artistic Director, in which capacity he serves as in-house dramaturg and leads Round House’s new work program. As a theatre scholar, director, and dramaturg, Naysan has worked on new and classic work with theatres around the country, including Arena Stage (where he served as Literary Manager), La Jolla Playhouse, MOXIE, Theatre de la Jeune Lune, Theatre Squared, Malashock Dance, Signature Theatre, CATF, and has taught at UC San Diego and George Mason University. Naysan holds a PhD in Theatre & Drama from UC San Diego, and a BA from Carleton College.

Past Productions
The production history database begins with Helen Hayes Awards-eligible productions since 2011.