The Amateurs

Performance Dates

It’s the 14th Century, the Black Death is ravaging Europe, and a traveling troupe of actors is performing the story of Noah. Everything is going about as well as can be expected until the actress playing Noah’s Wife stops to ask why her character would get on the boat with all those smelly animals. And by the way, doesn’t she deserve a name other than “Noah’s Wife”? Jordan Harrison, the theatrical mastermind behind Marjorie Prime, takes us on another mind-bending journey from the 14th Century to the present day, as he creates a meta-theatrical hall of mirrors about storytelling, illness and loss, as well as a love letter to the stories that help us persevere.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
150 minutes



Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Prosthetics: Ali Pohanka
Makeup and Puppet Designer: Matthew Pauli