The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds her Chameleon Skin

Performance Dates
Opening Performance

What's a black girl from sunny Southern California to do? White people are blowing up black girls in Birmingham churches. Black people are shouting "Black is beautiful" while straightening their hair and coveting light skin. Viveca Stanton's answer: Slap on a bubbly smile and be as white as you can be! In a humorous and pointed coming-of-age story spanning the sixties through the nineties, Viveca blithely sails through the confusing worlds of racism, sexism and Broadway showbiz until she's forced to face the devastating effect self-denial has had on her life.

Production Information

Show Type
Approximate Running Time
120 minutes

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for musicals
Musical Director
Book Writer
Stage Manager