Peter Pan: The Boy Who Hated Mothers

Performance Dates
WORLD PREMIERE This radically fresh retelling of the JM Barrie classic is a theatrical event not to be missed. Exploring the original ideas and inspirations behind this iconic fantasy, Peter Pan: The Boy Who Hated Mothers tells the visceral story of the boy who wouldn’t grow up in a way you have never seen it before but how it was always meant to be told. Appropriate for ages 10 and up. Tickets: $25, Previews: $10, Student Rush $15 – available at the box office only, one hour prior to curtain.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
120 minutes


Wendy Darling
Mrs. Darling/Captain Hook
Nibs/Bill Jukes/Tiger Lily
John Darling

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for musicals
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Eric Reynolds - Props Designer
Tyler Budde - Assistant Director