Ada and the Engine

Performance Dates

Ada Lovelace, the only legitimate child of the amorous poet Lord Byron, had a love of her own: mathematics. Well, that…plus a certain polymath-inventor, Charles Babbage, famous as “the father of the computer.” It’s true that Babbage invented the hardware–the Analytic Engine–but the language, the song, the soul of the thing, the programming: that was all Ada. From prolific playwright Lauren Gunderson (author of the inspirational Emilie, which Avant Bard produced to great acclaim in 2017), Ada and the Engine is a whimsical scientific history sure to delight audiences.

Production Information

Show Type
Approximate Running Time
120 minutes


Ada Lovelace
Charles Babbage
Lady Byron/Mary Somerville
Lord Lovelace/Lord Byron

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Props Designer/Master